Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Get yer buns out to Cold Bear

This Sunday is the 2nd Cold Bear Winter Race at Elk River. The trail is a TOTAL BLAST! They have some guy go around the course on a mini snowmobile, last month it was packed down PERFECTLY which made for a squirrly yet fast race on snow. Seriously, this race is the shit!

The event is in conjunction with a Pug Fest. Surly and others will be out. Last month there were probably like 20 Pugs doing the race.

As you can see, I woke up the old Bontrager...

so fucking cute

Here's to Kate. Welcome home!

Monday, February 11, 2008


TTTT knows how to throw down. Here he is at the Snowball's Chance in Hell Formula Ice Race And Snowy Dash For Cold Hard Cash. Nobody was taking the bike/snowboard hybrids down the steep slopes except for Thorny. The above photo tells you why.

Thorny, you need to go to my photostream and download the picture of you holding your fixie above your head and print it large. If there is an iconic k-racer shot this is it:

Atlas rides fixed

Monday Caption Contest

Here is a fun Monday activity, come up with a caption for this photo.
Contest winner gets to carry my hockey bag for the rest of the season.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


great day to be out.

Warman to Mora

I'm quite pleased to report that I made it to Mora today without freezing my dink off. It was a rare double balaclava, double windbrief day.

(pic grabbed from skinnyski ... as usual)


Snowballs Chance In Hell 2008