Friday, February 22, 2008

Leuven, Belgium, February 22, 2008


Lake of the Isles. High Noon. 1x1. Hockey.

Thorny and I finished off the winter lunch time season today in a blaze of glory. I charged to an early 2-0 lead, Thorny clawed his way back and the onslaught continued. High-flying, poor-shooting, leg-hacking. 25-23 was the final score. Not content we played on. Game to 5. Hmmm,... one more game to 3.

The glory was all ours. The large bottle of 1554 New Belgium will be all mine.

55 and sunny

...on the way to the airport in Denver CO this past Tuesday. Perfect day to be riding a bike. Perfect day to be drinking a High Life! Got back to Minnesota at midnight and it was -4. Seems like a long way to 55 and sunny. How many days till 2008 Prairie-Roubaix?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Windchill only matters if you're standing naked in the middle of a frozen lake."

-Bob O'Hara (No Hara)
Isabella Ski Camp - somewhere in NE Minnesota

Monday, February 18, 2008